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 Investment strategies that promote balance in your life.

Our Mission

MaimonWealth has launched SustainableStrategies to identify real-world solutions that enable investors to meet their financial objectives while remaining true to their personal, social and ecological values.


Contact us - We're here to help identify the SustainableStrategy that is right for you.

As a wealth management firm, we believe that the concept of Sustainability has important implications in supporting long-term financial balance in our lives. As in other areas of Sustainable investing, a holistic and comprehensive approach is critical. This involves structuring your financial resources to best maintain and grow your wealth to meet your life’s objectives.



We believe that investment strategies founded on established and proven principles that reflect personal values can provide competitive returns over time.​

"Sustainable, responsible and impact investing (SRI) is an investment discipline that considers environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) criteria to generate long-term competitive financial returns and positive societal impact."

- The Forum for Sustainable and Responsible Investing

 Areas of focus:

Sustainable strategies for your financial resources

Incorporating ESG factors in your portfolio

Generating SRI impact alongside financial returns

A Tradition of Responsibility

As Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks notes, the Torah suggests the ”world’s first environmental legislation” requiring us to “protect and preserve the environment for the sake of future generations.” During Shmitta, fields must lay fallow for the ecological and spiritual regeneration of the land and its owners. However, Shmitta and Yovel laws are more far reaching- demanding the cancellation of debts, freeing of slaves, and reversion of properties to their original owners. These provide an early model for sustainable social management.

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